
Peace Studies Course

Students studying peace studies examine the historical, philosophical, sociocultural, political, economic, and psychological factors that frequently result in violent conflict as well as nonviolent alternatives to conflict that lead to lasting peace. Students are encouraged to think critically about our world, to act creatively, and to shape their personal and collective futures in a holistic and supportive educational environment through both classroom and experience learning.

About Peace Studies

The field of peace studies aims to offer the conceptual framework for peaceful resolutions of regional, national, and international disputes. Direct violence emerges from its supporting structural, societal, and individual patterns. To achieve lasting peace, it is necessary to create cooperative organizations, creative cultures, and human relationships that are capable of resolving conflicts.

Violence is a concern in the twenty-first century on many levels, from domestic violence and deep-seated poverty to international armed conflict, terrorism, and counterterrorism. On the one hand, there is the possibility of a nuclear conflict, and on the other, other countries are experiencing low-tech conflicts daily. More people than troops perish in acts of organized violence, small arms cause more casualties than high-tech weapons, and the deadliest killers of all are poverty, disease, and displacement brought on by armed conflict. Additionally, violence in families and communities is rife both in metropolitan areas and refugee camps, feeding and being nourished by other forms of violence.

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