Schools Liberia

African Methodist Episcopal University

The mission of African Methodist Episcopal University is to educate men and women for positions of leadership and service in society by combining academic excellence with Christian values in a nurturing setting.

About African Methodist Episcopal University

A private university called the African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU) is situated in Monrovia, Liberia, a country in West Africa. With more than 5,000 students, the college, which is situated on Camp Johnson Road, is the second-largest in Liberia. The African Methodist Episcopal Church founded the school in 1995, and the Liberian Legislature granted it a license the following year.

Bishop Cornal Garnett Henning, Sr., and African Methodist Episcopal Church officials formed AMEU in 1995 while he served as its presiding prelate. The earliest academic unit of the institution was Bryant Theological Seminary. David R. Daniels, Jr., who is currently a bishop in the church, founded Bryant Theological Seminary in 1992. In February 1996, the institution was subsequently chartered.

The most popular major at the Christian university in 2003, when Louise C. York served as president, was accounting. The campus of the school was attacked and looted in 2003, at the height of the Second Liberian Civil War. The 185 graduates that year could hear mortars exploding in the background as rebel forces tried to take the capital as the graduating ceremony was going on. The National Commission on Higher Education of the nation granted the university interim permission to function after the civil unrest ended in November 2005, and the school got full recognition in February 2006.

The university lost US$100,000 as a consequence of a scam by students in February 2006, which led to the arrest of four persons the following month. Additionally, in February 2006, USAID provided funding for some campus renovations. In November 2006, Levi Zangar announced his resignation as the school’s president, citing issues with the board of directors. Students demonstrated against the university’s administration in April 2007 because it demanded that they pay 80% of their tuition for the upcoming semester before classes started.

In November 2007, at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex, the school had its ninth graduation, with Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia serving as the convocation speaker. At that time, the institution graduated nearly 400 students. Students at AMEU demonstrated against rising tuition, instructors’ low compensation, and the school’s subpar educational offerings in February 2011. The school increased the price per course from $8 to USD 11.

In 2018, there were 5,051 students enrolled at the institution, and 254 of them were graduate students. The school was the second-largest in the nation by overall enrolment, only after the University of Liberia. A new temporary president, Rev. Alvin E. Attah, Sr., was chosen by the university’s board of trustees on March 31, 2020.

Faculty and Departments At African Methodist Episcopal University

Bryant College of Theological Seminary

  • Christian Education
  • Guidance & Counseling

Manning College of Business and Public Administration

  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • Management
  • Public Administration

York College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

  • English
  • Mass Communication
  • Political Science
  • Proposed Criminal Justice & Forensic Science Curriculum
  • Social Work

College of Science and Allied Health

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Science
  • Forensic Science Program
  • Public Health

College of Education

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Primary Education
  • Secondary Education

Frequently Asked Questions about African Methodist Episcopal University

How many Students Does African Methodist Episcopal University admit per year?

Answer: The University’s enrollment for Academic Year 2017-2018 was 5,051 students, including a graduate school enrollment of 254 students. 

Is African Methodist Episcopal University a Federal or State School? 

Answer: It is a privately funded and managed university.

What is the cut-off mark for African Methodist Episcopal University?

Answer: Visit the University’s website to find out.

What is African Methodist Episcopal University Official Website?


Is African Methodist Episcopal University a good school?

Answer: Yes. The University ranked 2nd in Liberia and 10112th in the World 2023 overall rankings.

Are there hostels at African Methodist Episcopal University?

Answer: Yes.

When is the Admission Form coming out for African Methodist Episcopal University?

Answer: Check the school’s website to confirm.

Who founded African Methodist Episcopal University?

Answer: The school was founded by the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and chartered by the Liberian Legislature.

What are the requirements for African Methodist Episcopal University?

Answer: Find out about the entry requirement on the university’s website.

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