Schools Cameroon

The Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda (CATUC)

The Catholic University of Cameroon offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs leading to Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. credentials. Since its inception, the University has made a concerted effort to set itself apart in the areas of academic and professional quality (through the provision of excellent teaching and learning, the enhancement of student and faculty research, well-structured internships and industrial placements, etc.) and in the formation of Cameroonian citizens of character, supported by a Catholic Christian ethos and an Anglo-Saxon tradition of discipline, integrity, and hard work. She is climbing the university ranks both nationally and globally as a result of this.

About the Catholic University of Cameroon

A private institution called the Catholic University of Cameroon (CATUC), also known by its Latin name, Universitas Catholica Cameruniae, is situated in the city of Bamenda in the country of Cameroon’s North West. The sole Catholic Institute of Higher Education formed by the Anglophone Catholic Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda, it is the Provincial University of the Catholic Church in the Anglophone region of Cameroon. In the arts and sciences, it offers undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs.

The main site is in Bamenda, while the faculties and schools are dispersed throughout the dioceses of the Bamenda Ecclesiastical Province. The university is now operating within Saint Joseph’s Catholic Cathedral Primary School while the main campus is being built. The University hires professors and lecturers from both secular and religious areas (such as theology, canon law, etc). (e.g., letters, philosophy, education, social sciences, economics). Although the Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda is recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education to give degrees and certificates, the majority of those granted by the institution are state-approved credentials.

Faculty and Departments In Catholic University of Cameroon

Faculty of Agriculture

  • Animal Sciences
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Natural Resource Management
  • Materials Science & Engineering
  • Agricultural Biology
  • Agricultural Management Systems

Faculty of Engineering

  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering

Faculty of Medicine & Pharmacy

  • Nursing
  • Medicine
  • Medical Laboratory Sciences

Faculty of Arts, Management & Social Science

  • Anthropology
  • Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Philosophy
  • English
  • Economics

Faculty of Science & Technology

  • Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics

FAQS about the Catholic University of Cameroon

Q. How many Students Does the Catholic University of Cameroon admit per year?

A. This is at the discretion of the university. However, the university student body is still relatively low in population.

Q. Is the Catholic University of Cameroon a Federal or State School? 

A. It is a private university.

Q. What is the cut-off mark for the Catholic University of Cameroon?

A. The cut-off point for the university is yet to be published.

Q. What is the Catholic University of Cameroon’s Official Website?


Q. Is the Catholic University of Cameroon a good school?

A. Yes. The university ranked 9th in Cameroon and 9396th in the World 2023 overall rankings.

Q. Are there hostels at the Catholic University of Cameroon?

A. Yes, and students should secure accommodation in the hostel.

Q. When is the admission form coming out for the Catholic University of Cameroon?

A. The admission form for the university is currently out.

Q. Who founded the Catholic University of Cameroon?

A. The university was established by the Bishops of the Bamenda Ecclesiastical Province.

Q. What are the requirements for the Catholic University of Cameroon?

A. General Entry Requirements

Every applicant to the university must meet the following criteria to be considered:

  • A pass in the GCE Ordinary Level or Probatoire
  • A BAC or a passing grade in at least two GCE Advanced Level subjects
  • A passing grade in English at the GCE Ordinary Level, confirmation of English language proficiency from a recognized language learning center, or enrollment in an intensive English language program at a university

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