Schools Kenya

Daystar University

The mission of Daystar University is to be a renowned, Christ-centered university of choice that transforms the world through exceptional, value-based education.

About Daystar University

Christian liberal arts college Daystar University is located in Nairobi.

Although Daystar’s original campus is close to Nairobi’s city center, there is no room for expansion there. As a result, the main campus was moved to a new site at Athi River, about 40 kilometers to the southeast of the city, in 1992.

An American couple decided to work as missionaries in South Africa at the start of Daystar’s narrative. The newlywed’s Don and Faye Smith embarked on a ship bound for Cape Town, South Africa, at the end of October 1952 to begin their careers as teachers at the Evangelical Teacher Training College. Co-founding the university with other individuals, Dr. Motsoko Pheko. After that, all mission schools were taken over by the South African government in 1956, four years after they had first arrived. Along with it, the Smiths’ place of employment at the college.

Don and Faye were consequently chosen as representatives of the South African General Mission (SAGM) Board Proprietor of the Natal College and given the task of creating Christian literature for evangelization. Don assumed leadership of all SAGM literary endeavors, and the couple relocated to the SAGM Mission Headquarters in Roodepoort, Transvaal, a Johannesburg suburb, where they started a publishing company named the Africa Christian Literature Advance (ACLA). Don’s first goal was to train African laborers to handle much of the work, such as writing and creative tasks. 

They, therefore, began with just four employees: the Smiths and two former students from Africa of the Evangelical Teacher Training College (ETTC).

Our Africa, a monthly Christian magazine that debuted in September 1958, was one of their initial editions. Earnest Pheko and Edmund Khumalo, two members of the African team, were crucial to the planning. Don first trained one of the first African officers, Pheko, who ultimately rose to the position of managing editor for the publication. Sadly, on April 4, 1963, five years after the launch, he was detained by South African authorities on charges of conspiring with the white regime.

After Pheko was freed the following year, he and Don started a publishing company for Christian books that they called Daystar Publications. They preferred an Afrocentric approach over a mission-driven one. Pheko, who came up with the moniker “Daystar,” was in charge because Don traveled so frequently. Daystar’s responsibility was to lead men and women both during the day and at night. Its goal was to change (wo)men from the inside out, to make sure their minds were sharp and prepared to benefit society, and that their hearts were straight with God.

Daystar Publications was established in 1966 by Don and Pheko in Zambia and Zimbabwe (then Northern and Southern Rhodesia). However, the atmosphere was not favorable for them to work because of stringent government rules. Don and Faye returned to America to finish their studies that year. After their return in 1969, Don started Daystar Communications, a research and training organization that catered to the requirements of African ministries, in November of that year. As a result, Daystar Communications replaced Daystar Publications.

Daystar Communications’ responsibilities included training, thus it held its first two sessions at Ranche House College in Harare, Zimbabwe (formerly Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia), in 1971, and at the Brakenhurst Baptist Conference Centre in Limuru, Kenya, in June 1972.

The Smiths traveled to Nairobi, Kenya in 1973 to buy real estate for Daystar Communications. The creator of Living Bibles International, Kenneth Taylor, had just given them a special gift of $100,000. 

They discovered that Shell Oil was selling its property in Nairobi, which was next to the Nairobi Baptist Church. They decided to purchase the two-story stone home, which included a three-room apartment below and ten bedrooms above. There was a lecture hall with an office attached behind the residence. The Daystar Communications campus was constructed on this modest plot. Additionally, Daystar Communications was established in Kenya as a limited corporation on July 7, 1973.

The Smiths started training programs in Nairobi between 1974 and 1978, finished several significant research and consultation projects, introduced a two-year associate’s degree program in communications, and established the Afro-Asia Board to operate Daystar Communications. On January 4, 1978, exactly one and a half years after the Afro-Asian Board was established, the directors met and decided to create undergraduate and graduate programs as well as a graduate seminary. The undergraduate and diploma programs now provided by the International Institute of Christian Communication would be supplemented by this.

The undergraduate program was introduced in 1984 in association with Messiah and Wheaton Colleges in the US. Don started making plans to start a Bachelor of Arts program focused on Africa with the cooperation of both the Afro-Asian and American boards. In April 1984, Daystar and Messiah College launched the four-year Baccalaureate degree program. The Daystar International Institute of Christian Communication changed its name to Daystar University College in November of that same year, and a Governing Council was established to take the place of the Afro-Asian Board that had previously been in place.

1994, ten years later, marked a very special day for Daystar. Daystar University College received a charter and changed its name to Daystar University, becoming a stand-alone school with all the associated rights and benefits. It received official authorization to award its own degrees, certificates, and other prizes with the charter. Since then, Daystar has expanded continuously.

Faculty and Departments At Daystar University

School of Arts and Social Sciences

  • Department of Theology & Pastoral Studies
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Peace & International Studies

School of Business & Economics

  • Department of Commerce
  • Department of Economics

School of Communication

  • Language and Performing Arts
  • Media and Film Studies
  • Strategic and Organizational Communication

School of Science Engineering & Health

  • Science and Engineering
  • Computer Science

School of Applied Human Sciences

  • Psychology and Counselling
  • Department of Community Development
  • The Institute for Child Development

School of Law

  • Department of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  • Department of Media and Communications LawDepartment of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  • Department of Media and Communications Law

School of Nursing

  • Midwifery and Reproductive Health Nursing
  • Community Health Nursing

Frequently Asked Questions about Daystar University

How many Students Does Daystar University admit per year?

Answer: This is at the discretion of the university but around 5,000 students are enrolled at Daystar University from over 30 African countries.

Is Daystar University a Federal or State School? 

Answer: It is a non-profit private higher education institution.

What is the cut-off mark for Daystar University?

Answer: Visit the school’s website to find out.

What is Daystar University Official Website?


Is Daystar University a good school?

Answer: Yes. The University ranked 14th in Kenya and 6195th in the World 2023 overall rankings.

Are there hostels at Daystar University?

Answer: Yes! The Full Board hostels are Imani (Men), Grace (Ladies) and Patience (Ladies), and Bethel (Men). Self-Catering Hostel Units (SCHU) where students are provided a common kitchen supplied with cooking gas, water, electricity, and storage cabinets.

When is the Admission Form coming out for Daystar University?

Answer: Check the University’s website to find out.

Who founded Daystar University?

Answer: The University was established by Dr. Donald Smith and his wife Faye Smith.

What are the requirements for Daystar University?

Answer: Entry Requirement

The minimum requirement for entry into the Daystar diploma program is A KCSE mean grade of C-(minus), or a mean grade of C plain or one principal pass in ‘A’ levels or 4 credits or better in IGCSE, or their equivalent. Diploma in Communication C- (minus) and C (plain in English).

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