Cameroon Schools

University of Bamenda

The University of Bamenda (UBa) is a unique anglo-saxon institution with a bright future in the world of better standards of accomplishments and innovations in all fields of professionalism, the arts, sciences, and technology. We are confident that you will find it in UBa if you are looking for a life-altering experience that will give you the knowledge and skills you need to face the future with confidence. You will study as a graduate or postgraduate student at UBa in a contemporary setting with incredibly well-equipped studios, workshops, and facilities.

About University of Bamenda

The University of Buea had been the only English-speaking institution of higher learning in Cameroon until the university’s opening in 2011. At first, there were only two faculties: the Higher Teachers Training College and the Higher Technical Teachers Training College.

The University of Bamenda’s main campus is located in Bambili, a neighborhood of Bamenda, Mezam Division, Northwest region of Cameroon. Northeast of Bamenda, on the Ring Road, is the settlement. In this anglophone region, Pidgin English is widely used and many schoolchildren are educated in English. The community’s use of English and Pidgin is significant, although the Mbeligi language continues to be the primary tongue of the majority of Bambili people.

At the site located between Fonab Polytechnic and Saint Louise Higher Institute of Health in Mile 3 Nkwen Bamenda, students in the Faculty of Health Science are now enrolled in classes.

Several related languages surround Bambili (Bambui, Babanki, Bafut, Mankon, Nkwen, Mendakwe, and Awing). The dialect of Bambili is called Mbeligi, and it is related to the other ngemba languages (and each group insists on its independent identity).

The Minister of Higher Education is in charge at the University of Bamenda, as he is at all other public universities in Cameroon.

The vice-chancellor and pro-chancellor are the next in line for the office. The registrar assists the vice-chancellor. Each faculty is under the direction of the dean and vice dean. The director is in charge of the university institutes. The Head of the Department is in charge of each department. A Student Union President is in charge of the student government.

Faculty and Departments at the University of Bamenda

The University is made up of the following faculties, schools, and colleges:

  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Law and Political Science( With 4 departments in the undergraduate program which are English private law, public law, political science, and French private law.) This faculty also has postgraduate programs in English Law and political science, not living out Capacity in law which is a program in which students with 4 ordinary-level papers can enroll.
  • Faculty of Economics and Management Science
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Health Science
  • The College of Technology
  • The Higher Institute of Commerce and Management
  • The Higher Institute of Transport and logistics
  • The Higher Teachers’ Training College of Bamenda in Bambili
  • The Higher Technical Teachers’ Training College of Bamenda in Bambili
  • National Higher Polytechnic Institute (NAHPI, School of Engineering) 

Faculty of Science


Frequently Asked Questions about the University of Bamenda

How many Students Does the University of Bamenda admit per year?

Answer: This is at the discretion of the university.

Is the University of Bamenda a Federal or State School? 

Answer: It is a public university.

What is the cut-off mark for the University of Bamenda?

Answer: GCE O/L in at least five (5) subjects including English Language or Probatoire with a pass mark in English Language or its Equivalence.

What is the University of Bamenda’s Official Website?


Is the University of Bamenda a good school?

Answer: Yes. The university has been ranked as the 7th best university in Cameroon and global ranking 10409th best university in the world according to 2020 global ranking statistics.

Are there hostels at the University of Bamenda?

Answer: Yes. The Campus halls or residences are only available for freshmen or newly admitted students.

When is the admission form coming out for the University of Bamenda?

Answer: The admission form for the university is out so after obtaining the admission form online, Fill out the form and submit it within the admission timeline.

Who founded the University of Bamenda?

Answer: The university was created by Decree n° 2010/371 on the 14th of December 2010.

What are the requirements for the University of Bamenda?

Answer: Competitive entrance exams with written and oral portions are used to determine admission to the University of Bamenda’s higher educational institutions and university colleges. Students who wish to enroll in other faculties must complete a registration process that comprises presenting their test results and reviewing their files.

For students from Cameroon, passing the ordinary level of English is a crucial necessity. English language proficiency is required of international students; if they do not meet this condition, they are instantly disqualified.

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